The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


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Day: November 10, 2011


Gillen set to take office

Winning each of Oswego’s seven wards and 66 percent of all votes, Oswego State alumnus Tom Gillen (D) was elected mayor Tuesday. “I’m going to be smiling in my sleep tonight,” Sue Matthews told Tom Gillen during his rally with…


White concedes after falling behind in the count early on Election Night

Mayoral candidate Dave White left Steamer’s banquet room at 10:30 p.m. after conceding the election to Tom Gillen, on Tuesday night. Despite initial problems with ballot counts, it became clear at one point through the night Gillen would win the…


Lower tuition rates do not ensure less student debt

With the average salary of college graduates decreasing and loans increasing, the prospect of successful finances after commencement has been diminished. Oswego State students, may be surprised to find out the tuition deals they thought they were getting by attending…


Political protests continue as Oswego State tradition since Vietnam

Occupy Oswego is not the first time in the college’s history that protests have taken place. Throughout 1969 and 1970, student-led protests which rallied thousands of people were common occurrences at Oswego State. Students displeased with the United States involvement…


Undying zombie success

The concept of zombies roaming the Earth has become a type of cultural icon in our society. Many people find movies, series and books centered around the invasion of zombies fascinating. The new show, “The Walking Dead,” and popular campus…


Students receive internship advice

Lauren Berger, the “Intern Queen,” spoke to Oswego State students Monday to give them advice on searching for internships for job experience. Berger explained to over 120 attendees that she had 15 internships in her undergraduate career. Berger’s mother heavily…


Rice Creek walk promotes conservation, history education

Tim McMonagle opened the eyes of many of the participants of the Fall Walk in the Woods at Rice Creek on Saturday. Participants learned first-hand about nature and the distinct culture of the Native American people. McMonagle, the guide for…


Degrees may be required for fighting fire

Some fire districts are requiring recruits to have advanced degrees before becoming firefighters. It used to be that a high school diploma and some good old-fashioned, on-the-job training was sufficient enough to acquire a job at one’s local fire station….


SUNY Briefs 11/11/2011

Cortland A U.S. Army national guardsman who graduated from SUNY Cortland will speak at the school’s Veteran’s Day celebration on Friday. Josh Bacigalupi, a kindergarden teacher who is also working toward a Certificate of Advanced Study in school-building and school-district…


Infrastructure undisputable job creator

Go west young man. No other phrase is more typical of the American spirit—bristling with a brew of one part wanderlust, one part entrepreneurial gumption. And it used to be that you could go west and start anew, baptized in…