The Oswegonian

The Independent Student Newspaper of Oswego State


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Day: September 29, 2011

Laker Review

Teams don’t ‘Panic’ in 48-hour film festival

The Oswego State Film Club is gearing up to host the second annual Panic 48-Hour Film Festival, beginning on Wednesday, Sept. 28 at 6 p.m. The festival asks entrants to write, shoot and edit a horror film within a 48-hour…


Social networks change, avoid obsoletion

Now more than ever, social networking is a huge part of our lives. Along with the obvious shower, teeth brushing, eating breakfast and everything else a person usually does when they wake up, these websites-Facebook, Twitter, etc.-are also one of…


Enjoy fleeting, beautiful Oswego fall

One week of fall has all ready passed us by. It felt short, but then again, it always does. Fall has always been my favorite season, whether it is the mild weather, the slight chill of a breeze or perhaps…


Get true education abroad

Oswego State has a beautiful campus, but it doesn’t compare to Paris. When I studied abroad, the city itself was my school. The academic buildings were scattered around the Latin Quarter, frequented by artists, and cafés loved by Hemingway. Every…


Art department division leads to social segregation

The phrase “art major” now includes a vast gamut of practices, abilities and perspectives, but the two applications most often conjured by this phrase are studio art (aka fine arts) and graphic design. Oswego State offers Bachelor of Fine Arts…

Laker Review

William Trowbridge spins witty poetry

Poet William Trowbridge gave a lecture as part of the Living Writers Series on Monday and explained why the poetry genre needs to lighten up. In his view, literature has traditionally put the serious, lofty and epic strains of poetry…

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor – 9/30/11

Matthew, Having read your article in the Oswegonian about the death penalty and how it was nothing short of murder and how we should all stand against it I had to answer. I don’t know what your Religious affiliation is…